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The following are selected case studies:

Vascular Plug Delivery Device

The client required a hand-held medical device to perform 3 sequenced actions (deploy, cut, and retract) with one user movement.  Devices were designed on SolidWorks CAD.  Components were manufactured via rapid prototyping and machining.  Final prototypes were assembled and successfully tested on in-vitro models.  

Radio Frequency Ablation Catheter

The client had a preliminary design for a tissue ablation catheter.  The catheter design was refined and documented with with CAD drawings.  A prototype handle and sterile packaging was designed to complete the system.  Manufacturing procedures and were created and a clinical clean-room build was overseen.  Product from clinical build was then used for clinical trials.  

Orthopedic Screwdriver

The client had a concept for a novel orthopedic screw and driver.  Patent landscape and current application were strategically reviewed.  Concepts were brainstormed for refinement and manufacturing.  Product was designed in 3D and prototype components were sourced both locally and overseas.  Product is currently under clinical review.

Nitinol Filter and Delivery System

The client had a concept for a novel vascular filter.  Requirements were solidified and concepts were brainstormed.  Nitinol tube was laser cut and heat set per specifications to create prototypes.  Along with device, a preliminary delivery system was designed and prototyped to create a proof-of-concept system.  

Medical Device Enclosure

The client was developing an interventional medical device that required capital equipment.  An enclosure was designed to house the electronics and mechanical equipment.  The enclosure was prototyped using rapid manufacturing and traditional machining techniques.  Housing allowed client to continue development and showcase technology to potential investors.

TPX Motorcycle Mount and Radar Detection System

A market need for motorcycle-specific radar detection was identified.  Keeping in mind the specific needs of the motorcycle population, a radar detection and mounting system was designed and developed.  Overseas sources were secured for manufacturing.  Multiple patents have been issued for the system which has won multiple awards and is currently sold throughout the US and overseas. 

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